Monday 29 October 2012

How times have changed

There was a time, in fact, not so very long ago, when the Lake District tourism industry all but closed down at the start of October. Back in 1973, when I was young, free and single, I remember catching a boat from Bowness to Lakeside. It was the 6th October, a very pleasant autumn day, and the boat (the "Swan", I seem to remember) was about half full. It was my last chance to make that journey that year, as a couple of days later the boats ceased operation for the winter. They were not the only tourist attraction to do so. By the end of that month, virtually all the region's tourism attractions were in hibernation mode.

That is just 40 years ago. Nowadays things are very different. The Lake District is open for business all year round, with quite a number of attractions even welcoming visitors in January, which retains it's position as the Lake District's quietest month.

There are a number of reasons why The Lake District has become an all year round destination. Back in the early seventies few people took more than a couple of breaks a year. Most people only had one, their main holiday, and when you'd worked your socks off to save up the money the last thing you wanted to do was waste it by going away in the depths of winter. Besides, there was Christmas and the New Year break to think of.

By the time we got to the eighties, more and more people started to take an extra short break, often leaving the kids with granny and grandad while they popped away for a few days to revitalise the romantic side of their lives. And what better place to go to than the Lake District, with it's unique charm, and no crowds. You really could get away from it all and enjoy some quality time together. And the good news is that you still can. The Lake District may be open for business 12 months of the year, but that does not mean that it is crowded. There is still plenty of space to relax and unwind.

Back in the eighties and early nineties the weather also played it's part. There was a succession of winters characterised by cold, clear days and frosty nights. Not that every day was like that, you understand. As with other parts of the country, the winter weather in the Lakes could be damp and drab, with heavy mist obscuring the views, and, occasionally, rain that came down sideways. But such days failed to dampen the spirits of most visitors, and some people positively revelled in them. Yes, that's right, there were people, in fact there still are, who were disappointed if the sun shone and the air was crisp and still. They wanted to experience extremes of weather. The wonder of the Lake District was that there was a good possibility of experiencing both kinds of weather on the average 5 day mid winter break.

Probably one of the most important factors driving the move towards a 12 month season was the price that it was possible to buy accommodation and meals at. Even as late as 1992, one good quality Lake District hotel was offering 5 nights Dinner Bed and Breakfast for just £99 per person. Little wonder that the hotel soon found itself almost as full as it had been in the summer. And the quality of the fare on offer did not disappoint, as many guests booked for the same time the following year, and the next, and the next, in fact, some of them are still doing so 20 years down the line. Nowadays the prices they pay are a little more realistic, but with a little shopping round it is still possible to get a really good deal for a winter break, and the really good news in Winter 2012/2013 there is more to do when they get here than ever before, including enjoying a little romance.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Drawing inspiration from the telly

There is no getting away from it. This year the  Lakeland fells have been quieter than normal. Only just last week, in the middle of the holiday season,  I set off down the Langdale Valley and actually managed to walk from Side House to Elterwater without meeting another person. True, it was raining, but this is the Cumbria Way, after all, and there is usually someone about, even if it is only a local walking their dog.

Lingmoor was also eerily quiet, although it is not unusual to have the fell all to oneself. But looking down the valley from Side Pike I was struck by just how quiet it was. Through the mist I could make out the outline of one solitary walker plodding up Mickleden, and wondered whether he or she was heading for Bowfell, or going over the the pass towards Borrowdale. The rain had stopped, the mist was clearing, and there were plenty of cars on the road, but walkers were in short supply.

Actually, as I tucked into my apricot jam and sausage sandwich (don't ask!) I started to imagine that the silence of the fells was a result of something I had missed. Everyone was, I decided, somewhere else. Somewhere that I should also have been, attending an event I had forgotten. Trouble was, I couldn't remember what it was. But I started to become convinced that over the fell in Borrowdale, hundreds of walkers were gathering to celebrate the majesty of the Lakeland Fells at a walkers convention that I knew nothing about.

It was a logical explanation, and as I plodded down towards the camp site I had almost convinced myself that I was right. Until, after 4 hours on the fell, I met a couple going the other way. They were not tourists out for a walk, but fellwalkers pursuing their love of walking. Both are commonplace, but you can tell the difference. Fellwalkers don't tend to be wearing new gear, and they carry maps and compasses. Actually, some  tourists don't wear any proper walking gear at all, as anyone associated with the Mountain Rescue service will tell you.  However, I digress.

I stopped to pass the time of day, as you do, and during the course of the conversation a theory as to why the fells were quieter than normal this year was put forward. Quite apart from the rain, the recession and a certain sporting event taking place elsewhere, the lack of people on the fells could also be put down to the Julia Factor, or rather the lack of it.

The Julia to which I am referring is, of course, Julia Bradbury. She still adorns our television screens on a regular basis, but not walking around the Lake District. And there is no doubt whatsoever that being featured on mainstream television does have an effect on the numbers of people taking to the fells. I well remember walking up Castle Crag the week after that fell had been featured on "Wainwright's Walks". OK, I will admit that it was a nice day, but even so I was surprised to find well over forty people on the summit enjoying the sunshine and views. Not only that but there was a steady stream of people heading up the fell as we were heading back down. By contrast, Catbells, which is normally very popular, but had not been featured on the telly the week before, was strangely deserted.

Coincidence? I don't think so. Just look at the effect that the Olympics has had. The Saturday after the games ended sports clubs up and down the country reported an  increase in the number of people wanting to join. They'd watched the games on the telly. Now they wanted to get involved. And whilst some will no doubt give up as soon as they get out of breath, others will go on to become future champions.

In the nineteen thirties Alfred Wainwright was inspired to walk the fells after climbing Orrest Head and seeing the whole of the Lake District laid out before him. In 1970 I was inspired to walk the fells after climbing Black Combe, the bulky hill that lies on the South West corner of the National Park, and discovering that "another world", lay on the other side of the mountain.

Nowadays, it seems, hundreds of people get their inspiration by tuning in to BBC4 of a Friday night.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Nuneaton here I come!!!!

The news last week that Nuneaton is now part of the Lake District gave me good cheer. I've got relatives who live in Nuneaton. I can visit them of a Sunday afternoon now that it is a stone's throw from Windermere.

For those slightly confused by the above, allow me to explain. Last week, that esteemed travel web site "Trip Advisor" made a bit of a mistake with one of it's maps and gave the impression that Nuneaton was in fact, the gateway to the Lakes. It's an easy mistake to make, after all, there are huge similarities between the two. Both are quite close to the M6 and both have hills, although it is a fact that the hills in Nuneaton are not very high, or topped by cairns, but who cares about a mere technicalty like that?

Nuneaton also has 18 lakes. That's 17 more than the Lake District. And they are surrounded by trees, contain fish, and you can hire a rowing boat. Unfortunately, they are a bit short of Meres, Tarns, and Waters, but you can't have everythng.

It has a rich literary history though. George Eliot was from Nuneaton. And he was a lady, just like our very own Beatrix Potter, who may have actually been to Nuneaton, but nobody really knows for sure.

The town has several other famous sons. Like Ken Loach, the film director and Larry Grayson, who never shut that door on the town.

Now, the Lake District Hospitality Association, another esteemed organisation, has joined in by granting Nuneaton honorary Lake District Town status, thereby making the repositioning of Nuneaton official. It is no longer an Internet gaffe. It is now part of the Lake District. Evidently, someone in Nuneaton held a party to celebrate.

It would seem that quite a few people who live in Nuneaton have actually been to the Lake District on holiday. Now they won't have to. They can stay at home, enjoy the wonderful scenery and then truthfully tell their friends that they holidayed in the Lakes. And those of us that live in the Lakes can pop over to Nuneaton to do a bit of shopping, so watch out Kendal and Penrith, there's a new kid on the block.

It is also good news for house owners in Nuneaton, as prices are set to soar with new buyers flooding into the town to buy up cottages as second homes. This will also have a positive effect on the town's traffic problems, reducing the number of cars on the road and thereby doing away with the need to upgrade the one way system. And Christmas shopping in Nuneaton will now be a doddle as all the tourists will have gone home.

Nuneaton's tourist attraction will also find itself extremely busy as bus loads of Japanese descend on the town to photograph it from every angle. The Nuneaton Post Card Emporium will be taking on extra staff shortly.

Yes, it is good news all round for Nuneaton, in all but one respect. The good people of that fine old Warwickshire town are going to have to get used to the rain. And if they think that this year has been wet, they are in for a surprise when they experience a really good Lake District Summer.

And now I need to buy a new map, and get to work planning next years edition of "Walks around Nuneaton"

Watch this space!!